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Joseph Dozier on the left, James Dozier on the right standing in front of tudor style building
Joseph Dozier with law books in the background
James Dozier sitting in his office

Welcome to Dozier & Dozier.  We are an experienced, professional and dedicated Los Altos law firm specializing in Estate Planning, Trust Administration, Probate and other Estate matters.  Los Altos Estate Planning Attorney Joseph W. Dozier provides highly personalized services to the law firm's clients.  Our law office has been a valued member of the Bay Area legal community since 1972. 

Mr. Joseph W. Dozier has been a trial lawyer and mediator for over 30 years.  He has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History (1973), a California Standard Elementary Teaching Credential (1974) and a Juris Doctor degree (1981) from Western State University in San Diego, California.  Mr. Dozier was admitted to the bar in 1981.

James H. Dozier, founding partner,  began

the practice in 1975 in downtown Los Altos,

California and specialised in wills, trusts, and estate planning and administration.  His legacy of commitment and dedication to his clients throughout the years is now enjoyed by his son, Joseph.


"Joe saved me from two financial disasters.  He's a kind, dedicated and ethical professional who continues to amaze me with his thorough knowledge of the law and the complexities of our judicial system.  I've come to depend on his support and understanding since the early '80s and will never consider anyone other than Dozier & Dozier for all of my legal concerns."         M. Haack

Contact Us

© 2019  Dozier & Dozier, Proudly created with

Dozier & Dozier

Attorneys at Law

180 Second Street

Los Altos,  CA  94022

(650) 941-3940

Fax (650) 941-1991

Hours: Monday & Tuesday 1:00pm-5:00pm Wednesday 9:00am-5:00pm

Thursday & Friday: By appointment


The Letters PAABA and the words Palo Alto Bar Association in a silver frame
The Letters SCCBA and the words Established 1917 and Santa Clara County Bar Association
Circle with the words The Great Seal of The State of California, Eureka, a woman, a bear and ships
A gold star with the words Notary Public Duly Commissioned
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